The Zipbug experience

The mind bending journey into the ZipBug Metaverse begins here

What are zipbugs?

Zip Bugs are trans-dimensional entities that have come to earth and they emulate (not very well) the first thing they see.

Very small.. very fast.. & VERY anxious. They don’t talk, but apparently make noises that sound something like.. ‘Fiiiip!’They could be talking to each other, or perhaps shouting their own names, which all sound exactly the same to the human ear.


The Zipbug Creator

Faz began creating the ZipBugs more than 30 years ago in a notebook with a ball point pen in a notebook as a child. A few years ago, he began using a charcoal pencil to take them to the next level.

Over the last few decades he has transformed the simple design into a complete Metaverse of ultra-high quality art that is served on several media types, from NFT's, to 1.5 meter paintings, physical envelopes of gear and stories, as well as integration into games, and soon comics and more!

Things the zipbugs find super groovy!